這一節要介紹 Nginx 的 Web Server 測試環境,並且說明如何透過「SSL協定」來錄製 WAPT 的測試腳本做效能測試。
首先稍微介紹一下「Nginx」,可能大家對於這個名詞還蠻陌生的。可能連如何唸這個字,都還是一頭霧水 Nginx 一詞是由 「Engine X 」衍生而來,是由俄羅斯人 Igor Sysoev 所寫的一個 HTTP Web Server 和 Reverse Proxy Server (反向代理伺服器),目前有部分公司開始採用 Nginx 來取代原有的 Web Server,較出名的有 Wikipedia (英文版維基百科)、Sina 新浪部落、豆瓣等等。
選擇 Nginx 的優點如下:
- 可以處理大量的平行連線數
- 使用較少的記憶體空間
- 支援開放原始碼可提供免費商業用途
- 提供負載平衡機制
- 支援 Rewrite 規則,可同時佈署多台伺服器
- 支援 GZIP 壓縮技術,提高瀏覽速度
- 容易設定、內部監控、穩定度高、支援長時間運作等
介紹完 Nginx 接下來就開始我們這一節的說明,照慣例先來一張圖解大綱:
Step 1: Install Nginx in CentOS 7.0 be a Target Server
Create the nginx.repo file for yum, type the command as below.
# vi /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo
Step 1.1: Copy and paste script as below then save as a file "nginx.repo"
name=nginx repo
baseurl=http://nginx.org/packages/centos/7<depend on version>/$basearch/
Step 1.2: Install Nginx via yum, type the command as below.
#yum install nagix
Step 2: Configuration Nginx to enable HTTPS service
Create a pair of SSL certificates, type the command as below.
#cd /etc/pki/tls/certs
Step 2.1: Make an Access key, type the command as below
#make access.key
Step 2.2: Remove passphrase from private key, type the command as below.
#openssl rsa -in access.key -out access.key
Step 2.3: Make an Access CSR, type the command as below.
#make access.csr
Step 2.4: Generate the private key, type the command as below.
#openssl x509 -in access.csr -out access.crt -req -signkey access.key -days 3650
Step 2.5: Config nginx.conf for HTTPS, type the command as below.
# vi /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
Step 2.6: Copy and paste script as below then save the file "nginx.conf"
## HTTPS server
server {
listen 443 ssl;
server_name localhost;
ssl_certificate /etc/pki/tls/certs/access.crt;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/pki/tls/certs/access.key;
ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:1m;
ssl_session_timeout 5m;
ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
location / {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
index index.html index.htm;
Step 2.7: Restart Nginx service, type the command as below.
#systemctl restart nginx
Step 3: Enable HTTPS service port 443 in firewall
Type the command as below
#firewall-cmd --add-service=https --permanent
Step 3.1: Restart Firewall service
Type the command as below
#firewall-cmd --reload
Step 4: Verify Nginx HTTPS service
Enter https://<IP> or <hostname> in WAPT web browser.
Step 5: Open WAPT,Click WAPT Pro 3.5
Step 5: New a Scenario
Step 6: Select "Performance Test" then click "Next >"
Step 7: Set the virtual users for the test load spec, this time keep as default then click "Next >"
Step 8: Setting the test duration, this case keep as default then click "Next >"
Step 9: Tick start recording virtual user profiles then click "Finish"
Step 10: Enter the profile name "Nginx_SSL select browser then click "Parameterization..."
Step 11: Select "HTTPS" then First check "Use client certificate" and select "access.crt" copy from Step 2, Second check "Private key is contained in a separate file" and select "access.key" copy from Step 2 then click "OK"
Step 13: Click "Proceed with recording"
Step 14: Enter "" at Address: then click "Go"
Step 15: Successful to see "Welcome to nginx!" then click "Stop Rec"
Step 16: After this can click "Verify Test" and "Run Test" to run Performance Test with WAPT
Step 15: Successful to see "Welcome to nginx!" then click "Stop Rec"
Step 16: After this can click "Verify Test" and "Run Test" to run Performance Test with WAPT
經過了漫長的安裝 Nginx 到設定、到創造 SSL Certificate、到設定 Niginx SSL 服務、到WAPT 設定 SSL Certificate、到錄製測試腳本,到最後再執行效能測試,這可以說是一個漫長的說明。
相信經過了這次較詳細說明,各位對於 WAPT 與 HTTPS 之間的測試方法,是不是有了更進一步的瞭解。下次有機會我們再對於 WAPT 上的一些參數設定分節做說明。那這一節就先介紹到這裡。我們下次見~ Bye Bye!!!
~ See you ~
經過了漫長的安裝 Nginx 到設定、到創造 SSL Certificate、到設定 Niginx SSL 服務、到WAPT 設定 SSL Certificate、到錄製測試腳本,到最後再執行效能測試,這可以說是一個漫長的說明。
相信經過了這次較詳細說明,各位對於 WAPT 與 HTTPS 之間的測試方法,是不是有了更進一步的瞭解。下次有機會我們再對於 WAPT 上的一些參數設定分節做說明。那這一節就先介紹到這裡。我們下次見~ Bye Bye!!!
~ See you ~
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